bittersweet nows
Drinking to her memory tonight,
He pauses a moment to question.
He knew she could never be kept;
Drowning slowly in her own self,
She forever took him for granted.
In the fading light of her dark days,
She reeled, caught him by the throat.
Sinking into forgetful oblivion,
He thought he was all there was.
Now he records all, taking in
Sweet details of how he lost.
The tired eyes, the hoarse voice
That echoed to him at night;
She would cling to him, looking for
Some sanity in his sheets.
Now he turns to reach for her
Only to find wisps of dreams.
Amateur wordsmith, he prints,
Pen hovering over the paper,
Her face floating into view
And her voice, earshot, telling all.
Filling paper cups with her life,
He tastes the overflow of joys.
And on his tongue, they dance,
The bittersweet nows he lives for.